PRAISES for A Prairie Rune!
paperback and e-reader
RUNES, ROOTS, RECONCILIATION. Equal parts spiritual meditation, collaborative interpretation, and poetic exposition, A Prairie Rune explores the mysteries of the Old English / Anglo Saxon futhorc (rune poem) from a contemporary Christian Animist perspective.
Blahut and Sanford Beck, after 30 years of friendship, write from their experiences of growing and living embedded within the beauty and sacredness of Treaty Six Territory, while wrestling with the painful inheritance of settler colonization.
Together, they confront this unsettling history as settlers, and in the roots of their own mother tongue.
The strange effect of their companion dialogue, side by side, means to leave readers at once poetically mystified and humbled before the land and the People of the Land.
Through a reading of the runes, the text oscillates between prose and poetry—probing the deep realities of language, culture, and spirituality—and invites readers to delve along with them into a magical and grace-filled experience of life on the northern prairies, here on Turtle Island.
The Rev. Shawn Sanford Beck is an ecumenical priest living and working on Treaty Six Territory from St. Andrew's College, Saskatoon.
He blogs occasionally on WordPress about his ecosophian practice.
Conversations over his green priestcraft may be found on YouTube
or through his GreenSpirit Chaplaincy page on LinkTree.
He has previously published a short monograph, entitled Christian Animism, found here.
Christopher Sanford Beck (ed.) studied Creative Writing and Philosophy at the University of Victoria and now works on traditional, ancestral, and unceded Musqueam territory at the Vancouver School of Theology.
You can find a taste of his literary writing in Over/Exposed and a full-course of his work on moral philosophy in The Artubus Review.
Christopher was recently named a Rhodes Finalist. As is the indelible nature of all who study poetry and philosophy, he is knowingly amid that discovery of who he is and what he is doing.
Darcy Blahut lives and works as a public servant with the Saskatchewan Health Authority (on Treaty Six Territory) near the northern boreal forest.
His literary CV spans forms of poetry, children’s story, long fiction, and dramaturgy.
Several of his poems, grounded in a Catholic patristic tradition, have been taken up as libretti by a host of international composers.
For Darcy, "the privilege of co-authoring A Prairie Rune extends beyond friendship ... as this gathering of three has ended with epistemological open-heartedness to a world in such need."